Prevent Hemorrhoids by Paying Attention To Your Poop

There’s more to poop than meets the eye.

At first, it’s just another ‘call of nature’ that needs to be addressed. But your bowel movement – or what comes out, to be exact – can tell so much about your health. As a general rule, we must not only keep a close watch on what we eat, but also our excrements. We might have lurking diseases or illnesses (like sneaky hemorrhoids) that we don’t know about until a visit to the doctor. Gastrointestinal issues for instance, are difficult to detect – but fortunately, can be spotted just by looking at stool samples.

So to help you gain insight on the world of poop, here are several details that you need to remember:

Hard Lumps Are No Fun

One of the main reasons why people develop hemorrhoids is because of constipation. Poop that comes out in pieces and requires straining signifies that you need more water and/or fiber in your diet. Most folks believe that if you ‘do your business’ everyday, then you’re not constipated. This is a common misconception. Healthy poop should be smooth and soft, with a medium to light brown color. If you’re suffering from hard, poop chunks, try altering your diet by adding in more fruits and vegetables. If you don’t feel or see a difference, contact your physician.


Loose Stools? Not Good

While loose (but not diarrhea-like) poop means you don’t have to strain, it could mean either of two things: 1) you have celiac disease; OR 2) you’re eating too much fiber. The latter needs medical attention because it means your body can’t process gluten, a group of proteins present in wheat and other whole grains. If you keep eating foods with this substance, your intestine won’t be able to absorb nutrients because it destroys the villi (tiny finger-like protrusions) lining its walls. This rare condition can be found in about 1% of Americans; but almost 83% don’t know they have it. So if you’ve been experiencing very loose poop for some time, please consult a medical expert.

Frequent Floater? Go Visit Your Doctor

Good poop actually sinks into the toilet bowl. But when we eat too much beans, cabbage or sprouts (or eat a LOT in general), we might develop gas in our system; which lead to floating poop. If this is the case, then there shouldn’t be a cause for concern. However, if you’ve had floaters for several days or weeks, please visit your doctor – especially if the poop looks ‘oily’. Floaters are usually caused by fats, and it’s a sign that your body may not be absorbing it well. This could be due to pancreatic infection. Your best bet is to have a stool check, as well as other tests as advised by your physician.

Black or Red: Maybe You Bled

The color of your poop will tell different stories. If it’s red or black, reasons could range from a simple hemorrhoid problem to something more serious (such as internal bleeding). Black poop is typically a product of eating too many black licorice or taking in Pepto-Bismol (relief from stomach upset). Pepto poop is harmless, and the color should go away after you stop the medication. But if your colored poop is accompanied with abdominal pain, please seek medical assistance.

Don’t take your poop for granted. Whether the problem is hemorrhoids or something else, it pays to know your stool for a healthier you.

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