Hemorrhoid Hygiene: Cleaning Them Up

If you’re looking for hemorrhoid relief, then bear in mind that personal hygiene is of utmost importance. After a potty session, it is imperative that you clean the area up – not just with toilet paper, but also with disinfectants. Why? Well, hemorrhoids could get infected. Even if the chances of it are low, it is a likely possibility. So, what are the techniques, tools and procedures to ensure that your buttocks are squeaky clean after a potty session?

Non-alcoholic baby wipes

Seeking hemorrhoid relief means completely removing all the stools and the gut flora and bacteria that come with it. Using baby wipes is a feasible option if you have hemorrhoids, be sure to use the non-alcoholic ones though. Having said that, an anus with hemorrhoids is a delicate anus, so you should able to clean it up with both a mild and effective cleaning material. Here are some notable facts:

  • Baby wipes, as their name suggests, are made for babies. We all know that babies have delicate buttocks and that their soaps and shampoos should be extra delicate. The same can be said for a hemorrhoid filled buttock.
  • Why non-alcoholic? Well, alcohol may irritate the hemorrhoids, especially if they are bleeding. Have you tried putting alcohol in an open wound? It stings right? Well, the compound may kill off the bacteria, but it also kills off body tissue.
  • Even if you don’t have hemorrhoids, also try to use baby wipes to supplement toilet paper! Remember, dry toilet paper does not completely get rid of the fecal matter and bacteria!

Sitz bath method

Basically, sitz baths are the easiest way to deal with hemorrhoids is an essential procedure in hemorrhoid relief. Having said that, it is done by sitting on the bathtub or sitz chair (some can fit on your toilet bowl) filled with water and cleaning agents, as well as substances that can help cure hemorrhoids.
  • By doing this, it not only cleans up your anal areas, but it can also help relieve hemorrhoids, especially external and thrombosed ones. Having said that, people alternate between warm and cold baths. Warm baths increases blood flow in the area while cold baths reduce the swelling, which in turn could reduce the pain and discomfort.
  • Try adding herbal products, like witch hazel liquid, into the sitz bath in order to relieve hemorrhoids. Use anything safe that can disinfect and relieve the condition. You may want to avoid soaps, especially strong perfumed and antibacterial ones as they can increase irritation and make the condition a lot worse.
  • This method is not only used in case of hemorrhoids: it also helps in relieving anal fissures and other complications pertaining to pregnancy. It also keeps stitches and open wounds clean in the area.
  • Aside from keeping hemorrhoids clean, remember to follow the advice of your doctor and try to tweak your overall lifestyle as well. Incorporate fiber rich food into your diet and drink a lot of fluids as well!

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